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White River Study

Auburn, Washington

Siltation Study & Backwater Channel Capacity Analysis

An intensive 28-mile siltation study and backwater channel capacity analysis of the White River in the State of Washington was accomplished for the Seattle District Corps of Engineers.


The assignment was to evaluate the impact of the heavy channel siltation over the years on the potential increased flooding of developed areas and the capability of Mud Mountain Dam to protect these areas. Utilizing simultaneously a combination of four different computer programs, aerial surveys and water soundings, the firm charted and computed areas of potential flooding, recent siltation deposits and predicted channel capacity and flooded areas for 1980 and 1985.


City of Mill Valley

Mill Valley, California

Environmental Flood Plain Study

A comprehensive environmental flood plain study was prepared for the San Francisco District Corps of Engineers, and the Federal Insurance Administration. The resort covered potential flooding areas along five mayor streams and tributaries within the City of Mlil Valley, Califomia, north of San Francisco.


This complex undertaking involved hydrologic and hydraulic investigations covering many square miles of metropolitan area. Also required were extensive computer applications using a CDC 6600 computer for the hydrographs and water surface profiles. The study also included the effects of tidal action, sheet flow areas and retention basins within the city limits.


Rush Creek Flood Plain, Novato

Marin County, California

Flood Plain Information Study

This report prepared for the San Francisco District Corps of Engineers covered potential flooding areas from Rush Creek principal tributaries in Novato, Marin County, California. Hydrologic and hydraulic investigations were conducted for this very complex study. F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. utilized the HEC-2 computer program developed by the Corps of Engineers for the computer applications with a CDC 6600 computer. Hydrographs and water surface profiles were developed. All required mapping was accomplished.


Lewis River Flood Hazard Studies

Woodland, Washington

This critical report was prepared for the Portland District, Corps of Engineers. Involved was a comprehensive undertaking of over 14 miles of each river to determine flooded areas in light of proposed airport development on an island, other types of flood plain developments, and past and future flooding.


Type 21 Flood Study

Western U.S.

JA assimilated, evaluated and charted the flooding of rivers and channels throughout the states of Califomia, Utah, and other western states. Protects required extensive research into all types of flooding situations and coordination with flood control districts and city engineers. This comprehensive project was performed in association with Michael Baker, Jr. Inc. of Harrisburg, PA., for the Federal Insurance Administration, Washington, D.C.


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