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Commuter Railroad

California High Speed Rail


F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. is the team leader for 19 firms for the design build section 2-3 of the California High Speed Rail system out of Fresno, CA.  The firm is under contract to the design build team of Dragados-Fatiron-Shimmick.  The cost of the project is estimated at $1.23 Billion.


CalTrain Station Relocation at BARTD

San Francisco, California

Preliminary Engineering/Draft EIS

F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc. was part of an Environmental Team created to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Peninsula Commute Service (PCS) Relocation of the San Francisco Downtown Terminal Station. The PCS is the commute rail system that currently serves the San Francisco Peninsula between San Jose and the existing terminal in San Francisco.


The study has the overall objective of identifying the most cost effective and desirable location for the PCS's downtown station so that it best serves the land use/public planning perspectives and serves the transit patrons, most of whom are destined to the downtown financial district. It also has the objective to meet the needs of increasing travel to downtown San Francisco.


F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc. assessed utility and public service conflicts of eight alternatives as part of the environmental consequences. Some feasibility studies and conceptual designs were developed for the relocation and/or accommodations of utilities and public services to mitigate these environmental consequences. The project cost is estimated at $80 million.



Metro Area Gateway Enterprise Project

St. Louis, Missouri

The St. Louis Metro Area Rail Gateway Enterprise (MARGE) project was a joint effort by the Federal Railroad Administration, the Illinois Department of Transportation, local communities and the railroads serving the St. Louis area to restructure the existing rail terminal within the St. Louis metropolitan area.


F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc., formerly Ernest Brown and Associates, Inc. in St. Louis, conducted structural bridge inspections of the three St. Louis Mississippi River railroad bridges and their approaches as part of the MARGE project. This inspection included analysis and condition rating of individual supporting members and identification of locations where possible failures were identified. This three part report addressed the substructure and superstructure, including such items as piers, footings, foundations, bridge decks, track conditions, bearings, bents, and abutments, for main spans and approach spans on the McKinley, MacArthur and Merchants Bridges. The report provided detailed photographs and drawings of areas where questionable conditions were present.


F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. also assisted the MARGE project team by providing civil engineering in the area of utilities relocation and final site preparation for 18 railroad companies.


Five Roadway Viaducts

Chicago, Illinois

F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc. was involved in the design of five railroad viaducts in the city of Chicago. The project primarily consisted of the reconstruction of the existing roadway under these viaducts at a lower elevation or the raising of the existing structure to increase the vertical highway clearance. Professional services consist of the preparation of project development reports, studies, recommendations, and contract documents in accordance with the City of Chicago and Illinois DOT standards. The design team was lead by Lester B. Knight, Inc.


F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc. was involved in the design of five railroad viaducts in the city of Chicago. The project primarily consisted of the reconstruction of the existing roadway under these viaducts at a lower elevation or the raising of the existing structure to increase the vertical highway clearance. Professional services consist of the preparation of project development reports, studies, recommendations, and contract documents in accordance with the City of Chicago and Illinois DOT standards. The design team was led by Lester B. Knight, Inc.


Northeast Corridor Rail Improvement Project

Washington, D.C. & Boston, Massachusetts

The Northeast Corridor Improvement Project (NECIP) was authorized and funded by Congress to provide high-speed rail passenger service between Washington, D.C. and Boston, Massachusetts. The goal was to provide 120-mph passenger service between those cities. In order to achieve this goal the existing tracks, structures and facilities had to undergo an extensive rehabilitation program.


F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc., in association with Charles T. Main, Inc., Boston, was separately responsible for providing comprehensive railroad design services for a 11.5-mile segment of the Northeast Corridor extending from Attleboro to Forest Hills Station in Boston, Massachusetts. F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc. was involved with the rehabilitation of the existing track structure within this section of the Corridor. This included horizontal curve realignments with the revision of numerous vertical curves required to lower the tracks over existing overhead structures. Also, the design of drainage improvements was necessary to accommodate the resulting track section within the existing right-of-way. Bridge rehabilitation was provided to upgrade existing bridges within the section. This included the recommendation for underpinning of existing bridges at locations where track lowerings were to be provided.


Other services provided on this project included: design of access roadways, track interlockings, related electrical and signalization improvements and field surveying.

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