F.E. Jordan
Associates, Inc.

Engineers | Planners | Construction Managers | Environmental Scientists

Wastewater Treatment Plants
Treatment plants have been designed by F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. in frequent association with other well known firms, as well as independently. These plants have utilized many treatment processes and have ranged in size up to 143 MGD. Our staff has experience in conventional systems and more recent technological improvements such as pure oxygen activated sludge, physical-chemical systems, advanced wastewater treatment, lagoons and land application.
In addition to large projects, JA has experience in the design of smaller systems for communities that may require replacement of septic tanks or renovation of old or outmoded treatment processes.
Whatever the project size, our firm has a commitment that in each assignment the design is developed to meet the special requirements that must be satisfied for that particular situation. A successful design requires the fusion of practical experience, the ready availability of the latest technology, and experienced and practical design talent to produce a functional and workable project.
We approach each project with an open mind and no preconceived bias toward a particular treatment method, until an analysis of the individual situation can be made based on technology, cost and environmental considerations.
Las Virgenes Water Reclamation Plant
Las Virgenes Water Reclamation Plant
Calabasas, California Las Vigenes Water Reclamation Plant
Calabasas, CaliforniaPlant Expansion Design
The Las Virgenes Water District retained JA in a joint venture to provide alternative and innovative design of the plant expansion from 8 MGD to 16 MGD. The sludge will have an innovative land disposal process and the reclaimed water will be used for agricultural crop irrigation, landscaping, pasture land and washdowns.
Wastewater Treatment Plant, City of Tacoma
Tacoma, Washington
Treatment Facility Design
F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. was intimately involved with another consultant in the design of the 80 MGD treatment facility for the City of Tacoma, Washington. Principal responsibilities included design of influent/effluent flumes, channels, secondary clarifiers, weirs, pipe racks and other associated facilities in connec tion with the secondary treatment expansion of the plant. The work accomplished independently by JA had a construction value of approximately $11 million.
Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant
San Francisco, California
Design of Facility Addition
For this addition to the secondary treatment facilities of the San Francisco S.E. Water Pollution Control Plant, the firm was involved in all phases of design with another consultant. This $20 million addition is a high purity oxygen activated sludge type facility.
Nampa WastewaterTreatment Plant
Nampa, Idaho
Facilities Planning & Design
F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. undertook a 201 Facility Planning Study and facility design for the addition to the city's wastewater treatment plant, in association with another consultant. JA was involved in both the primary and secondary treatment facilities for this 18 MGD plant. The firm also had prime responsibility for the influent pump station, headworks, grit removal units, secondary effluent pump station and other items.
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant
San Jose/Santa Clara County, California
F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. participated with another consultant on this activated sludge Wastewater treatment facility designed for the purpose of nitrifying the effluent produced by the existing secondary treatment plant. The project also consisted of the design of multi-media type filters for filtering the effluent produced by ammonia vitrification facilities. Total capacity was 143 MGD, at a cost of approximately $20 million.
Wastewater Treatment Facility
Pacific City, Oregon
Structural Design
For this .25 MGD Plant, JA provided structural design of the grit chamber, aeration basin, clarifier, aerobic digester, holding tank and chlorine contact chamber. Project was in association with another consultant.
Aerated Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Facility
Aerated Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Facility
Tok, Alaska
Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Tok, Alaska
Design of System Improvements
F.E. Jordan & Associates was selected by the U.S. General Services Administration to evaluate, report, plan and design wastewater system improvements at the U.S. Border Station, Tok, Alaska. This project consisted of a detailed evaluation of the existing stabilization pond treatment facility, its deficiencies, and an effluent transport and disposal system. An aerated lagoon system was chosen and designed as the treatment process for this facility combined with disinfection and land disposal of all effluent.
North Shore Sanitary District
Lake County, Illinois
201 Facilities Plan
Jordan/Avent & Associates, in association with another consultant, is preparing a 201 Facilities Plan for the North Shore Sanitary District, Lake County, Illinois. The District currently operates three major plants with current total capacity of 55 MGD. In addition to the major plants, two pre-treatment facilities are operated for industrial wastes.
The purpose of the facilities plan is to develop a recommended project for upgrading and expanding the existing facilities of the District to meet the wastewater treatment and disposal needs of the growing human population and industries estimated to be served by the District in the planning period to the year 2000. Consideration is being given to diverting wet weather overflows and effluent discharges from Lake Michigan.
Alvarado Treatment Plant, East Bay Dischargers Authority
Hayward, California
Value Engineering
As part of a team headed by another consultant, JA participated in the V-E of this treatment plant, analyzing structural systems and architectural design.