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Water Resources

Feasibility Studies  |  Environmental assessments  |  Preliminary design

Cost estimates  |  Configuration development  |  Structural type studies
Final design plans  |  Specifications Estimates
Construction management  |  Inspection  |  Analysis & ratings

San Francisco Firm Yield Water Supply Study

San Francisco, California

    This was a watershed firm yield study undertaken to verify that the Hetch Hetchy water supply system will have available 400 MGD of water under the most severe drought conditions. The project involved the hydrology of hundreds of square miles of the Sierra Nevada Watershed in California, which included 5 major dams. The Corps of Engineer HEC-5 hydrology computer program was used.


Scotty's Castle

Death Valley, California Water Supply & Fire Protection Improvements

    One hundred thirty miles from Las Vegas, in the heart of the dry hot desert of Death Valley, is the Death Valley National Monument of Scotty's Castle. F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. signed a contract with the National Park Service in March 1981, to improve the 200 g.p.m. underground water supply system and fire protection for the community. The work involves the design of a new 70,000 gal. concrete reservoir, improvement of the existing spring house, setting up a new and modern chlorinated domestic water supply and designing new loops of six inch water mains and 15 new hydrants to securely serve every spot of the castle complex from future fire hazard. Sensitivity for preservation of historical style was essential for any above ground design work.


Three San Diego County Honor Camps

San Diego, CaliforniaWater Supply Feasibility

    F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. completed a water system analysis study for three remote honor camp communities of approximately 150 residents in the dry arid eastern San Diego County. JA was retained to comprehensively evaluate the present systems to detemmine the adequacy of existing water supply, storage facilities and distribution lines for domestic supply and fire protection water. In association with a geotechnical subconsultant, the firm determined the safe yields of existing groundwater supply wells and recommended potential sites for future wells, as required. The scope of work included detemmining required water storage volumes and supply rates, preparation of a preliminary design for the recommended system, and cost estimating.



Lake Sonoma Lake Sonoma, Warm Springs Dam, California U.S. Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco, CaliforniaAlternative Water Supply Preliminary Design & Analysis

    F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. was retained by the Corps of Engineers to provide preliminary design services for several recreational sites to serve Lake Sonoma which will be created by the construction of Warm Springs Dam near Healdsburg, Califomia.

    A major element of the work scope involves the analysis of various water supply systems to provide domestic, fire protection and irrigation water to a small-craft marina, a boat launch facility, residences, a general store and several picnic/beach areas. Altemative supply sources which were evaluated included springs, existing and new wells, and treating lake water. The costs associated with various distribution/storage tank networks were comparatively analyzed. Criteria for the structural fire protection system were developed through discussions with responsible State Forestry personnel. The recommended system includes supply from an existing groundwater well, a 50,000-gallon above grade storage tank, booster pump stations, and over 15,000 linear feet of 2 to 4 inch pipelines.


East Bay Regional Park District

Oakland, California

Water Supply Feasibility Study

    The East Bay Regional Park District (Oakland, CA.) retained J/A to develop a comprehensive master plan for its water supply system. Numerous alternative storage/distribution scenarios were evaluated and comparatively analyzed. The recommended plan included an integrated system of several storage tanks, pump stations and miles of transmission mains.

    County of San DiegoJacumba, CaliforniaWater Supply Feasibility StudyA detailed water supply feasibility study was undertaken in response to potential growth in and around the isolated desert community of Jacumba, sixty miles east of San Diego. The County of San Diego commissioned F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. to evaluate the adequacy of the existing privately owned water system to meet present and future needs. The system consists of several supply wells, storage tanks and an integrated distribution network serving the 500 residents and local businesses

    Citing numerous deficiencies and limited expansion capabilities, JA prepared a preliminary design of the recommended system improvements, including detailed cost estimates, for alternative expansion scenarios. Potential groundwater pollution from septic tanks was analyzed and the feasibility of constructing a centralized treatment facility was also evaluated.


Pt. Reyes National Seashore

Point Reyes, California

Water Supply System Evaluation & Design

    The National Park Service retained F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. to conduct an analysis and design of the water supply system at Point Reyes National Seashore. Existing well pumps, water supply storage tank and distribution mains were the subject of JA's study. Because of the deterioration of the existing wooden tanks and insufficient delivery volumes, a new underground storage tank was designed, along with replacement water mains and control valves.


City of Bellevue

Bellevue, Washington

Water Main Replacement Projects

    Over the past 6 years, F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. has undertaken a series of assignments for the Public Works Department of the City of Bellevue, Washington, all concerned with upgrading and expanding their water supply system capabilities. The latest assignment involved replacement of portions of a main steel supply line. Over 16,000 linear feet of pipelines varying in diameter from 6 to 18 inches were upgraded or replaced. This project included aerial mapping and ground control surveys.

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