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    An outstanding development since the firm began environmental work thirty years ago has been the increasing desire to make additional use of wastes as opposed to disposal of wastes. F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc., consistent with its philosophy of keeping in step with the times, has been involved in several projects dealing with the recovery and recycling of resources from waste products. The scope of involvement has included analysis of waste prod ucts, estimates of quantities produced, market surveys, potential resale value, and analysis of alternative siting locations for facilities.

    The reutilization of water and waste can reduce the demand to build costly water and waste solids distribution, treatment and disposal systems including their related environmental impacts. Water reutilization can reduce the need for importing water from one basin to another; it can have an effect on energy needs for a given water resources program; it can provide supplemental water to augment surface and groundwater supplies; it can provide improvement in ground water quality.

    Reclaimed water has special value, as a vital resource that would not otherwise be available. There are a number of potential uses for this extra water. These include agricultural, industrial, commercial, recreational and personal uses; e.g. irrigation, cooling, salt water intrusion barriers, ground water augmentation, marsh enhancement, silviculture.


Effluent Re-Use Study, Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle

Seattle, Washington

JA assisted METRO in developing effluent reuse options in connection with their facility planning efforts. At the same time we collected data from relevant sources to determine physical, biological and chemical quality parameters of effluent, potential water uses, and existing city supplied water. With that information our engineers conducted a market survey and assembled available data to determine potential effluent water reuse market areas for reutilization options such as industrial, agricultural, non-agricultural and recreational needs.


Sludge Re-Use Study—Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle

Seattle, Washington

    We analyzed alternative options for regional reuse solutions for sewage sludge such as land reclamation and public and commercial use as fertilizers. This included consideration of sludge farming techniques such as injection into the soil; use of processed sludge as fertilizers for recreational facilities such as parks, playgrounds and golf courses; manufacture of commercial fertilizer; agricultural uses for application to human consumptive products; and use as a fertilizer in large forests.


San Diego Water Reuse Study

San Diego, California

    F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc., in joint venture, was retained by the City and County of San Diego to prepare eleven project reports for contemplated wastewater reclamation projects throughout the San Diego Metropolitan Area. The eleven projects under investigation by this study involve preliminary design of treatment systems, and other process design considerations, such as filtration, disinfection, nutrient removal, desalting, spreading basins, pump stations, distribution piping and storage reservoirs.

    The joint venture is responsible for developing the individual projects including treatment facilities and pipelines to meet the needs of the reclaimed water users. Each project is screened and evaluated for economic feasibility, and intensive engineering and cost analysis. Early action projects were identified and recommended for early implementation.


San Francisco Bay Area Reclamation Study

San Francisco, California

    In association with another consultant, JA was an associate joint venturer on one of the nation's largest wastewater reclamation studies. This $2 million study investigated the feasibility of serving reclaimed water to potential customers in the nine county Bay Area region. It was followed by a project report, EIR and revenue program on the most feasible regional program.


Effluent Reuse Study

Lake County, Illinois

    JA is performing an effluent reuse study in connection with a 201 Facilities Plan for the Northshore Sanitary District, Lake County, Illinois. The study involves evaluation and analysis of utilizing effluent from the District's Clavey Road Plant for irrigation of several golf courses in the immediate area. This includes the assessment of cost effectiveness of such use, the implications relative to public health, and the benefits to the turf of the nutrients present in the effluent.


San Francisco Bay Area Waste Water Solids Study

San Francisco, California

    JA was involved with another consultant in the development of a regional plan for disposal and reuse of sludge solids from sewage treatment plants, water treatment plants and industrial waste water treatment plants throughout the nine county San Francisco Bay Region. The project covered evaluating sludge characteristics, wastewater solids processing, material storage, transportation, handling, sludge solids utilization and disposal options.

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