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Solid Waste Management

Berkeley North Waterfront Park

Berkeley, California

EIR & Related Studies

    The City of Berkeley operates a municipal sanitary landfill which has been developed by diking off a portion San Francisco Bay. Portions of the dikes, surrounding the landfill, were found to be leaking and allowing Bay waters to contact buried materials. The resulting polluting condition caused the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board to issue a cease and desist order to the city.

    Under a series of assignments, JA's S/NW division conducted an analysis of the problem and assisted the city plan a resolution satisfactory to all affected regulatory agencies. One of these assignments included the development of a master plan for the landfill's transformation to a regional park.


City of Berkeley Solid Waste Management Center

Berkeley, California

Environmental Impact Report

    Recognizing the great untapped potential of its solid waste stream and faced with the closure of a close-in disposal site, the City of Berkeley engaged a professional team to design a solid waste management center that was capable of extracting salvagables from the waste stream and channeling them to productive use. As part of the team, Jordan Associates' S/NW division prepared the various environmental documents and coordinated the planned facility with the county's overall plan.


San Francisco Bay Area Treatment Plants

San Francisco, California

Wastewater Solids Study

    In conjunction with CH2M Hill, JA participated in the San Francisco Bay Area Wastewater Solids Management study. The study was designed to evaluate alternative means of disposal for sludges produced by nine (9) Bay Area treatment plants and several industrial treatment plants.

    The objective of the study was to develop a method for the coordinated management of the treatment residues and required characterization of the many sludges produced by differing treatment methods, transpontation alternatives, and solids utilization potentials.

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