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Northwest San Francisco Rapid Transit

San Francisco, California

Extension Study

    JA was part of the multidisciplinary team which evaluated the potential environmental effects of various transit alternatives to serve the northwest section of San Francisco. These altematives included rail, surface buses, aerial rail vehicles, and sub-surface transit. The recommended alternative was based upon in-depth analysis of existing policies, existing environmental resources and constraints, growth inducing factors, projected traffic patterns and fiscal considerations.


I-5/I-110 Santa Ana/Harbor Freeway Corridors

Los Angeles, California

    F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. is part of a multl-dlwipilnary consultant team selected to evaluate various freeway alignments and modal alternatives for application in the 1~5 and—I. 110 corridors serving Los Angeles. The broad-based study includes preparation and validation of patronage projections for alternative modal configurations, development of various economical measures of effect tiveness, and assessment of environmental and social impacts. JIA has lead responsibility for the analysis of physical environmental and energy Issues in addition to responsibilities for station location, layout, and planning.


Wilshire Corridor Noise Assessment

Los Angeles, California

    JA Division Spectrum Northwest was retained by Oakland-based Wilson, Ihrig and Associates to assist in the preparation of the noise element for the Wilshire Corridor EIS. The firm provided on-site liason services with the General Environmental Consultant and affected public agencies. Additionally, the firm researched existing and projected local noise ordinances and assisted in the presentation of the final report.


Guadalupe Corridor Alternative Analysis

Santa Clara County, California

    In association with Wilbur Smith and Associates, JA and its Spectrum Northwest division participated in a comprehensive analysis of alternative transportation modes to serve the future needs of this 15 mile long, 5 mile wide corridor serving the City of San Jose, California.

    JA's participation included environmental and economic analyses of several potential alternatives which were screened down to seven systems for detailed analysis. These alternatives included light and heavy rail, bus guideways, high-occupancy-vehicle lanes and expanded freeway options. Hamilton Air Force Base Marin County, California Disposition Study EIS AddendumJordan/Avent and S/NW combined efforts in this assignment for the Port of Oakland. The task was to prepare an addendum to the GSA-prepared EIS for the disposition of Hamilton Air Force Base which had been declared surplus Federal property.

    The study focused upon reassessment of the impacts on the water, wastewater and energy delivery systems serving the property associated withits potential use as a general aviation facility. This potential use had not been included as one of the evaluated alternatives in the GSA-prepared EIS.


San Felipe/Yerba Buena Road Widening

San Jose, California

Environmental Impact Report

    This assignment required the analysis of several design and alignment alternatives to increase the capacity of a major thoroughfare in San Jose. Each of the alternatives recquired residential relocation. Serious social and land use questions arose and were the subject of extended community debate. Other environmental concerns included projected ambient air quality, noise levels and disruption of habitat along an adjacent stream system.


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