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Northeastern Waterfront Survey

San Francisco, California

Urban Design Study

F.E. Jordan Associates participated in an urban design study to determine development potentials associated with various land use policies under consideration for application in a key area of San Francisco's shoreline. JA studied the environmental impacts of different development scenarios and provided specific assessments on potential air quality, noise, visual quality and hydrology impacts for alternative land uses including housing, commercial retail office space development and recreation/open space use.


Golden Gate Heights Planned Unit Development

San Francisco, California

Environmental Impact Report

JA's Spectrum Northwest division prepared the environmental impact report, required by San Francisco's Office of Environmental Review, for this residential development of 82 market rate single family homes. The project is situated in an area surrounded by dwellings and had come to be appreciated as a valuable neighborhood open space.


JA coordinated efforts of the developer to ally neighborhood fears and developed a recommendation to reduce the land area requirements of the original project through the use of Planned Unit Development zoning opportunities.


Downtown Development Plan

San Jose, California

In association with RTKL Associates, F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. participated in a comprehensive land use and development study for the Central Business District in the city of San Jose. The study provided the basis for large-range planning as well as short-term opportunities for development and addressed the problems of land use patterns, transportation requirements, public use facilities, and historic preservation in a decayed and poorly-defined urban core area.


© 2014 by FEJordan Associates, Inc. | Website Design by Evita Thornton

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